القرآن عملٌ لا يضاهى، وغير قابِلٍ للترجمة، لكنَّ الكثير من المحاولات بُذلت لتقليده
وترجمته، حتى على أيدي المسلمين أنفسهم، رغم التحريم الكامل أو رفْضِ مثلِ هذا الفعل
جانب السُّلطة الدينية.
(٥) الترجمات المنشورة باللغات الأوروبية
(٥-١) الأفريكانية
[1950] Anon. De Heilige Koran,
Pretoria: Universal Truth Movement.
1961 M. A. Baker, Koran. Dit
is’n vertaling van die dertig dele van de Heilige Qur’an.
Kaapstad: Nasionale boekhandel, pp. xliv, 464 (Index transl. 14,
(٥-٢) الألبانية
[1929] Anon. Ajka e kuptimit
te Kur-ani qerimit. U lexue, u shqyrtues i pelqye prej këshillit te
naltë te sheriatit. Shkoder: Ora e Skhodrës. pp. 1,
(٥-٣) البلغارية
تبقى ترجمة نيكولا ك. ليستا Litsa، عن النسخة
الإنجليزية لسيل، صدرت في بلوديف ١٩٠٢–١٩٠٥م، غيرَ مكتملة، ولم يظهر منها إلا
أربعةُ أجزاء. ثمَّة نسخة أخرى، تُرجمت أيضًا عن الإنجليزية، ربما عن نسخةِ سيل،
ترجَمَها توموف Tomov وسكولاف
Skulav، نُشرت في مدينة روسه
Ruse (Rustchutz) 1930 تقريبًا. ترجمت لأغراضٍ
تبشيرية، تحمل تصديرًا بقلم إ. م. هوب Hoppe
وترجمةً بقلمِ سيمون بوبوف لمقدِّمة ماكس هايننج لنسخته الألمانية. تقدَّم أوصافٌ
ببليوجرافية كاملة في Bulletin of the New
York Public Library, xli, 1937, p. 96، وفي
مقالٍ صغير في Muslim World,
xxiii, 1933, pp. 187–190.
(٥-٤) التشيكية
1913 Veselý, Korán, Z
arabštiny přeložil Dr. Ignác Veselý, Spředmlovou a j vyobrazenimi v
textu, Praha: Nákladem “Orientálnĭ bibliotéky”, pp. [ii], vi,
1934 Nykl, Korán, Z arabštiny
přeložil Dr. A. R. Nykl, V. Řijnu, 2nd edn, Nakladelstvĭ L.
Mazác v Praze, 1938, pp. xxix, 281.
1972 Hrbek, Korán, Z
arabštiny přeložil
Ivan Hrbek, Praha: Odeon, p.
يمكن العثور على معلوماتٍ إضافية عن البندَين الأوَّلين في
Bull, New York Publ.
Libr., XLI, 1937, pp. 96-97. ويصف
Annemarie Schimmel ترجمةَ هربك
Hrbek، مع أعمال مستشرقين تشيك آخَرين،
“A new Czech translation of the Qur’an … Studies in Islam, xv, 1978, pp.
171–176، وفي نسخةٍ ألمانية من المقالة نفسها في
Welt des Orients, vII,
1973-1974, pp. 154–162.
(٥-٥) الدنماركية
1967 Madsen, Koranen (På
dansk ved A. S. Madsen.) 3 vols. Køobenhavn: Borgens Forlag (Borgens
billigbøger, 34.), New edn 1980.
(٥-٦) الهولندية
1641 Swigger (Schweigger), De
Arabische Alkoran, Door de Zarazijnsche en de Turcksche Prophete
Mahometh, Im drie onderscheyden deelen begrepen: van der Turcken
Religie, Gheloove, Almoessen, Vasten, Ghebeden, Bedevaert na Mecha, met
fsamen sijn Gods-diensten, ende Ceremonien, Wetten ende Rechten. Wt de
Arabische sprake nu nieuwelijcks int Hoochduytsch getranslateerd, met
fsamen en aenhangende Voor-reden, door Salomon Swigger, Prediker der
Kercken tot Nevrenbergh. Ende nu wederom uyt de Hooghduysche in onse
Nederlantsche spraecke overgheset. Hamburg: Barent Adriaensz
Berentsma. pp. vi, 164.
1658 Glazemaker. Mahomets
Alkoran, Door de Heer du Ryer uit d’Arabische in de Fransche taal
gestelt; Beneffens Een tweevoudige Beschryving van Mahomets Leven; En
een Verhaal van des zelfs reis ten kernel, Gelijk ook fijn Samenspraak
Met de Jood Abdias. Alles van nieus door J. H. Glazemaker vertaald, en
te samen gebracht. T’Amsterdam, Voor Ian Rieuwertsz. pp. 5,
[vii], 692, 125.
1696 ______,
Zynde den twede en laatste Druk, met koopere
Plaaten verciert. T’Amsterdam, By Timotheus ten Hoorn. ff. 6,
pp. 547. Reprinted 1698 at Amsterdam, and in the same year at Rotterdam,
with a misprint (“Abdais”) on the title page.
1707 ______,
Alles op nieuws door een Liefhebber overmen, en
van alle druk-fouten gezuivert. Met Kopere Plaaten verciert.
Te Leyden, By Hendrik van Damme.
1721 ______, Te
Leyden, By Jan vander Deyster.
1734 ______,
Alles van nieuws door J. H. Glasemaker vertaald
en te teamengebracht. Zynde den zevende en laatste Druk, met kopere
Platen verciert. Te Leyden, By Jan en Hendrik vander
1859 Tollens. Mahomets Koran,
gevolgd naar de Fransche vertaling van Kasimirski, de Engelsche van
Sale, de Hoogduitsche van Ullmann en de Latijnsche van Maracci; met
bijvoeging van aantekeningen en ophelderingen der voornaamste
uitleggers, en voorafgegaan van en levensschets van Mahomed; door Mr. L.
J. A. Tollens. Batavia: Lange & Co. pp. xiii, xlv, 666,
1860 Keyzer. De Koran,
voorafgegaan door het leven van Mahomed, eene inleding omtrent de
Godsdienstgebruiken der Mahomedanern, ent. Met ophelderende aanmerkingen
en historische aanteekeningen van M. Kasimirski … Dr. L. Ullmann … Dr.
G. Weil … en R. Sale … Bij het nederlandschepubliek ingeleid door eene
voorrede van Dr. S. Keyzer … Haarlem: J. J. van Brederode.
pp. viii, 876.
1879 ______,
Tweede druk. Waaraan toegevoegt een historisch
oversigt van de verhouding der Turken tot het overige Europa, naar
aanleiding van Freeman9s “The Ottoman power in Europe, its nature, its
growth and its decline”. Door Mr. F. A. De Graaff … Opgehelderd door
vier in kleuren gedrukte kaartjes. Haarlem: J. J. van
Brederode. pp. vii, 929.
1905 ______, 3e
druk. Waaraan is toegevoegdeen kort overicht van
degeschiedenis der Turken, Voornamelijk in hun verhouding tot her overig
Europa door N. Japikse. Rotterdam: Bolle. (Chauvin
1934 Soedewo. De Heilige
Qper-aan verbattende den arabischen tekst met ophelderende aantekeningen
van Maulwi Moehammad AH … In het nederlandsch vertaald door Soedewo.
Eerste druk. Uitgegeven door: het Hoofdcomite Qper-aanfonds onder de
auspicien van de Ahmadijah-Beweging Indonesia (Centrum
Lahore). pp. cxciii, [4], 1234.
1953 Ahmadiyya. De Heilige
Qur’an met nederlandsche vertaling, onder auspicien van Hazrat Mirvza
Bashir-ud-din Mahmud Ahmad … Rabwah: The Oriental and
Religious Publishing Corporation. pp. xii, 180, 638. 2nd edn
1956 Kramers. De Koran uit
het Arabisch vertaald door J. H. Kramers, Amsterdam/Brussel:
Agon Elsevier, (Agon Bibliotheek.) Reprinted six times to
(٥-٧) الإنجليزية
نسخ من ترجمة المسيحيين
1649 Ross, The Alcoran of
Mahomet, Translated out of Arabique into French; by the Sieur du
Ryer, Lord of Maleair, and Resident for the King of France, at
Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that
desire to look into the Turkish vanities, by Alexander
Ross, London, Printed, Anno Dom. 1649, p.
1649 ______,
[Another edition] pp. 407+14+7.
1688 ______,
To which is prefixed, the Life of Mahomet,
the Prophet of the Turks, and Author of the Alcoran. With a needful
Caveat, or Admonition, for them who desire to know what use may be
made of, or if there be danger in Reading the Alcoran,
London: printed and are to be sold by Randal Taylor, pp. xviii, 511, 40.
Also in a folio edition of the same year.
1719 A Complete History
of the Turks, from their origin in the year 755, to the year 1718 …
In four volumes. (Vol. 4: The Life of Mahomet: together with the
Alcoran at large, translated from the Arabick by the Sieur De [sic]
Ryer, and now faithfully English’d.) London: printed by
J. Darby for Andr. Bell, W. Taylor, John Osborne.
1806 ______,
The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of
Mahomet. Translated from the original Arabick into French, by the
Sieur De [sic] Eyer … the whole now faithfully translated into
English, 1st American edition, Springfield: Printed by
Henry Brewer, for Isaiah Thomas, jun, (Library of Congress
1734 Sale, The Koran,
commonly called The Alcoran of Mohammad, Translated into English
immediately from the Original Arabic; with Explanatory Notes, taken
from the most approved Commentators, To which is prefixed A
Preliminary Discourse, By George Sale, Gent, London: C.
Ackers for J. Wilcox, pp. ix, 187, 508, [15].
1764 ______, 2
vols. printed for L. Hawes, W. Clarke and R. Collins; and T. Wilcox, pp.
xviii, 248, 266 4-[3], 519.
1774 ______,
London, (Chauvin 148.)
1795 ______, 2
vols. A new edition, Bath: S. Hazard printed (for several
1801 ______, 2
vols. A new edition, London: printed by T. Maiden (for 11 persons or
companies), pp. xv, 248, 264, [12] + [vi], 519,
1812 ______, 2
vols. London: J. Walker [and others], pp. xvi, 256 +
1821 ______, 2
vols. A new edition, London: printed for Scatcherd and Letterman [and 11
others], pp. xiv, 248, 256 + 523.
1824 ______,
To which is prefixed a brief memoir of
Mahomet … London: Scatcherd and Letterman [etc.] 2 vols.
(LC 35–35763.)
1825 ______, 2
vols. London: for T. Tegg; Dublin: R. Milliken; Glasgow: Griffin &
Co.; Paris: M. Baudry, pp. xxiv, 255, 213 + iv,
1826 ______,
The Holy Koran; commonly called the Alcoran
of Mohammad, translated from the original Arabic, and with the
former translations diligently compared and revised, By special
command, London: for the Koran Society by R. Carlile, pp.
iv, 386, Sale is not mentioned anywhere in the book, which does not
carry the Preliminary Discourse.
1836 ______,
The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of
Mohammed: translated from the original Arabic. With explanatory
notes, taken from the most approved commentators, To which is
prefixed, A preliminary discourse, By George Sale, A new edition, in
which the surats, or verses, are, for the first time,
marked, 2 vols. London: Longman, Rees & Co. [and 11
others], pp. 218, 219 + 468.
1838 ______, A
new edition.
1844 ______, A
new edition, with a memoir of the translator (by R. A. Davenport), and
with various readings and illustrative notes from Savary’s version of
the Koran, London: T. Tegg, pp. xx, 132, 516. There were many reprints
of this edition, some undated. Sir John Lubbock included it as no. 22 of
his “Hundred books” (1892). Several American editions appeared at
Philadelphia and New York to 1975, E. M. Wherry used it as the nucleus
1882–1886 Wherry. A
comprehensive commentary on the Quran: comprising Sale’s translation
and preliminary discourse, with additional notes and emendations,
together with a complete index to the text, preliminary discourse
and notes, by E. M. Wherry, 4 vols.
London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Trubner, and Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, Reprinted in 1896, 1900, 1917. The work was republished in
1921 with an introduction by Sir Denison Ross, and remains in print,
having been reissued as recently as 1973 by Zeller in
1876 ______,
2nd revised and emended edition.
1909 ______,
With an introduction by the Rev. G.
Margoliouth, (Everyman’s library.) London: Dent; New
York: Dutton, pp. xi, 506. Reprinted some twenty times to
1861 Rodwell, The Koran:
translated from the Arabic/the surahs arranged in chronological
order, with notes and index, by the Rev. J. M. Rodwell,
London: Williams and Norgate, pp. xxvii, 659.
1880 Palmer, The Qur’an,
translated by E. H. Palmer, 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon
Press, (Sacred books of the East, vi, ix.) pp. cxviii, 268 + 362,
Reprinted in 1900 with an introduction by R. A. Nicholson in “The
World’s Classics”, also several times in Britain, the U.S.A. and
1937–1939 Bell, The
Qur’an, Translated, with a critical
re-arrangement of the Surahs, by Richard
Bell, 2 vols. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark. Reprinted in
1955 Arberry, The Koran
interpreted, By A. J. Arberry, 2 vols. London: Allen
& Unwin, pp. 350, 367. Also published in a one-volume edition by
Macmillan in New York, and often reprinted.
1973 Mercier and Tremlett, The Koran, Henry Mercier and Lucien
Tremlett, Mystic, Conn.: Verry, pp. xvi, 332. (Index transl. 26, no.
نسخٌ لمترجِمين من الطائفة الأحمدية
1915 Qur’ān majid, The
Holy Qur’ān with English translation and explanatory notes, etc.
Part I. Published, under the auspices of the Hadrat Mirza
Basbir-ud-din Mahmud Ahmad, the Second Successor of the Promised
Messiah, by Anjuman-i-Taraqqi-Islam, Qadian, Punjab,
India. First edition, pp. 8, 118,
1947–1963 The Holy
Qur-an, with English translation and commentary. 1st edn.
Qadian, India: published under the auspices of Hazrat Mirza
Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, by the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya. 1947–1963. 3
vols in 4. 2nd edn Rabwah: Oriental and Religious Publishing
Corporation, 1964—.
1955 The Holy Qur’ān,
Arabic text and English translation, by the late Maulawi Sher
‘Alī. Rabwah: Oriental and Religious Publishing
Corporation. 2nd edn 1960; 3rd 1965; 4th 1967; 5th 1968. A new series of
editions began in 1971, 2nd 1972, 3rd 1974.
1969 Farid. The Holy
Qur’ān. English translation and commentary edited by Malik Ghulam
Farid. Rabwah: Oriental and Religious Publishing
(٥-٨) الفنلندية
1942 Ahsen Böre. Koraani.
Opastus jaj ohdatuspahan hylkäämiseenja hyvdn valitsemissen Z. I. Ahsen
Böre. Tampere: Ahsen Böre. pp. 799.
1957 Koraani.
[Transl. by Aro, Salonen and Tallqvist.] Helsinki: Porvoo. (Pentti
(٥-٩) الفرنسية
1647 Du Ryer. L’Alcoran de
Mahomet. Translaté d’arabe en françois Par le Sieur Du Ryer, Sieur de la
Garde Malezair. A Paris, chez Antoine de Sommaville. pp. 648,
[iv]. Further editions by Sommaville in 1649 (PP-416), 1651, 1672; by
Elzevier in Amsterdam “suivant la copie imprimée á Paris”, 1649 (PP-686),
1651, 1652, 1672; a pirated edition by J. Jansson in Amsterdam, 1649 (pp.
416). Three editions were put out by Lucas in Anvers in 1716, 1719 (pp.
viii. 485) and 1723. In 1734 appeared a
“Nouvelle édition, revüue et corrigée” (2 vols. A Amsterdam chez Pierre
Mortier), reprinted in 1746 and 1756, and in 1751 at Geneva, according to
Woolworth. Further editions in 1770 and 1775 as
1770 ______,
Nouvelle édition, revüue, corrigée &
augmentée Des Observations Historiques & Critiques sur le
Mahometisme, ou Traduction du Discours préliminaire mis á la tête de la
version Angloise de l’Alcoran, publiée par George Sale. 2
vols. A Amsterdam et A Leipzig, Chez Arkstee &
1775 ______,
Nouvelle édition, Qu’on a augmentée d’un
discours préliminaire extrait du nouvel Ouvrage Anglois de Mr. Porter,
Ministre Plenipotentiaire de S. M. Britannique en Turquie. 2
vols. A Amsterdam et A Leipzig, chez Arkstée & Merkus. pp. 472 +
[1751] Savary. Le Coran,
traduit de Varabe, accompagne de notes, et précédé d‘un Abrégé de la vie
de Mahomet, tiré des ecrivains Orientaux les plus estimés.
Par M. Savary. 2 vols. A La Mècque, l’an de l’Hégire 1165 (!). Another
edition was issued at Paris, chez Knapen & fils, Onfroy, in 1783; also,
one at “Amsterdam, Leide, Rotterdam & Utrecht, chez les libraires
associés”. There was a “nouvelle édition” at Paris, 1798, and at
Paris/Amsterdam in 1821-2. The 1826 edition is “précédée d’une notice sur
Mahomet, par M. Collin de Plancy” and the two-volume work was issued by
Bureau de Courval et Cie. In successive years, 1828 and 1829, further issues
were made by Schubart and Heideloff, at Paris, Leipzig and London, and the
latter by Doney-Dupré Père et Fils at Paris. In 1883 the work was acquired
by Gamier Freres, who have published many editions to date (known are those
of 1891, 1898, 1923, 1948, 1958, 1960, 1963, 1968, and one of unknown date
recorded in N.U.C 1973–1977).
1840 Kasimirski. Civilisation
musulmane. Observations historiques et critiques sur le
Mahométisme, traduites de l’anglais,
de G. Sale. Le Koran, traduction nouvellefaite sur le texte arabe, par
M. Kasimirski. (Les Livres sacrés de l’Orient … traduits ou revus et
publiés par C. Pauthier. Pantheon littéraire.) Paris: chez
Firmin Didot, Aug. Desrez. pp. 461–746. Reprinted 1842, 1843, l847, 1852,
1857. In 1858 it was taken into the series Les
livres sacrés de toutes les religions, sauf la Bible, traduits ou revus
et corriges par M. M. Pauthier et G. Brunei, publiés par M. l’abbé
Migne, vol. 1, pp. 461–746. This translation was also
published in 1840, independently of the two series named, by Charpentier in
Paris (pp. xiv, 576) and in a “nouvelle édition avec notes, commentaire et
préface du traducteur” which was reprinted in 1844, 1847 and 1850. A further
edition “entièrement revue et corrigée; augmentée de notes, commentaires et
d’un index” has passed through at least twenty reprints and has survived in
print until our day. The 1948 edition contained a bibliography by G. H.
Bousquet, who embellished the edition of 1952 with a new introduction, and
the 1959 one (in the Livres de sagesse of the Club des Libraires de France)
with an introduction and notes. Still other editions are known:
Garnier-Flammarion, with a chronology and preface by Mohammed Arkoun in
1970; a 1973 one by Pasquelles (pp. xxxiv, 523) and an undated one at
Bievres by P. de Tartas (Index transl. 29, FRA 319).
المترجمون لاحقًا
1861 Fatma-Zaida. L’Alkoran! (Le livrepar excellence.) Traduction textuelle de
l’arabe faite par Fatma-Zaida Djarié-Odalyk-Doul den Beniamin-Aly
Effendi-Agha. Lisbonne. Soc. typographique
1929 Montet. Mahomet. Le
Coran. Traduction nouvelle par Edouard Montet. Paris:
Payot (Bibliothèque historique). pp. 895. Preceded by selections,
published in 1925. Reprinted 1949, 1954, 1958 (preface by Jacques
Risler, but same pagination), 1963 (2 vols), 1968-9 (Petite bibliothèque
Payot. Library of Congress 75-880370).
[1931] Laimeche, Ben Daoud. Le Coran (lecture par excellence). Traduit par Ahmed
Laimèche, B. Ben Daoud. Paris: Geuthner; Oran: Heintz
frères. p. 348.
[1936] Pesle, Tidjani. Le
Coran. Traduction par Messieurs 0. Pesle, Ahmed Tidjani.
Paris: Larose; Rabat: Moncho. pp. xvi, 458. Reprinted 1946, 1948, 1950,
1947–1950 Blachère. Regis
Blachère: Introduction au Coran. Vol. 1. (Vols ii-in with title:) Le
Coran. Traduction nouvelle par Régis Blachère. (Islam
d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, vols III-IV.) Paris: Maisonneuve. Reprinted
1957, 1959 (vol. 1 only?), 1966, 1972.
1951 Rajabalee. Tafsirul-Coran: la traduction du texte arabe du saint Coran avec
commentaires. Parts I-II [no more published?]. Par Zainul
Abedin Rajabalee (Maulvi Fazil). Port Louis,
1956 Mercier. Henry Mercier. Le Coran (Traduction et presentation nouvelles).
Miniatures de Si Abdelkrim Wezzani. Rabat: E.T.N.A.;
Tanger: Editions Eurafrique. pp. xx, 333. (Abstracta Islamica, xiii, no. 111. Also published in an
English version by L. Tremlett (London: Luzac, pp. 332) and a German
one. Surāhs arranged under various
topics, not complete.)
1957 Ghedira. Le Coran;
nouvelle traduction par Ameur Ghedira. Enluminures de Jean
Gradassi. Lyon: Editions du Fleuve. pp. [v,
1959 Hamidullah. Le
Coran. Traduction intégrale et notes de Muhammed Hamidullah … Avec
la collaboration de Michel Léturmy. Preface de Louis
Massignon Paris: Le Club François du Livre. New edn
1965 Anon? Le
Coran. 2 vols. Paris: Payot. pp. 447 + 416. (Index
transl. 16, 12000-1.)
1967 Masson. Le Coran.
Préface par Jean Grosjean. Introduction, traduction et notespar
Denise Masson. Editions Gallimard. (Bibliothèque de la
Pléiade, 190.) p. 1,078. New edn 1980.
1972 Si Boubaker Hamza. Le Coran. Traduction frangais et commentaire … par le Cheikh Si
Boubaker Hamza. 2 vols. Paris: Fayard/De Noel. pp. xix,
1390. Reprinted 1977 (N.U.C. 1980). Nouvelle
édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée. 2 vols.
(٥-١٠) الألمانية
1616 Schweigger. Alcoranus
Mahometicus. Das ist: Der Turcken
Alcoran/Religion und Aberglauben.
Auss welchem zu vernemen/Wann und woher ihr falscher Prophet Machomet
seinen ursprung oder anfang genommen/mit was gelegenheit derselb diss
sein Fabelwerk/lacherliche und narrische Lehrgedichet und erfunden/Auch
von seinen Traumen und verfuhrischem Menschenstand/Benebens von der
Turcken Gebett/Almosen/Fasten/sampt andern Gottesdiensten und
ceremonien, Erstlich auss der Arabischen in die Italianische: Jetzt aber
inn die Teutsche Sprach gebracht. Durch rc. Herrn Salomon
Schiveiggern/Predigern zu unser Frauen Kirchen inn Nurnberg/sampt dessen
beygefugten Vorrede /Inn dreyen
unterschiedlichen Theilen/undangehengtem ordentlichem Register inn den
Druck gegeben. Nurnberg/Inn Simon Halbmayern Buchladen zu
finden. pp. 269, [18]. Reprinted 1623,
1688 Lange. Vollstandiges
Turckisches Gesetz-Buch/Oder Des Ertz Betriegers Mahomets Alcoran.
Welcher vorhim nimmer vollkommen herausgegeben/noch im Druck
ausgefertigt worden. Auss der Arabischen in die Frantzosische Sprach
ubergesetzet Durch Herrn Du Ryer. Auss Dieser aber in die
Niedirlandische durch H. J. Blasemacker [sic:/.Glasemaker]
Und jetzo Zum allerersten mahl in die
Hochteutsche Sprache versett et Durch Johan Lange, Medicinae Candidatum.
(Thesaurus exoticorum, Oder eine mit Raritaten undGeschichten
Wohlversehene Schatz-Kammer/Von Everhardo Guernero Happelio.)
Hamburg. pp. [iii], 115.
1703 Nerreter. David
Nerreters Neu-eroffnete Mahometanische Moschea/worinn nach Anleitungder
VI. Abtheilung von unterschiedlichen Gottesdiensten der Welt/Alexander
Rossens/Erstlich Der Mahometanischen Religion
Gebrauche/und vermutlicher
Untergang/Furs andere/Der vollige Alkoran/Nach der besten Edition
Ludovicii Marraccii, verteutscht/und kurzlich widerlegt
tvird. Nurnberg: In Verlegung WolfFgang Moritz Endters. Gedruckt
bey Johann Ernste Adelbulner. Ff. [viii], pp. 2, 1222,
1746 Arnold. Der Koran, oder
insgemein so gennante Alcoran des Mohammeds, Ummittelbar aus dem
Arabischen Originalin das Englische ubersetzt, undmit beygefugten, aus
den bewahrtesten Commentatioribus genommenen Erklarungs-Noten, Wie auch
einer Vorlauffigen Einleitung versehen Von George Sale, Gent. Aufs
treulichste tvieder ins Teutsche verdollmetschst Von Theodor
Arnold. Lemgo: J. H. Meyer. pp. xxviii,
1772 Megerlin. Die turkische
Bibel, oder des Korans allererste teutsche Uebersetzung aus der
Arabischen Urschrift selbst verfertigt: welcher Nothwendigkeit und
Nutzbarkeit in einer besonderen Ankundigung her erwiesen von M. David
Friederich Megerlin … Franckfurt am Mayn, bey Johann Gottlieb
Garbe. pp. 876.
1773 Boysen. Der Koran, oder
das Gesetzfur die Musulmanner durch Muhammed, den Sohn Abdall. Nebst
einegen koranischen Gebeten, unmittelbar aus dem Arabischen ubersetzt,
mit Anmerkungen und mit einem Register versehen und herausgegeben von
Friedrich Eberhard Boysen. Halle. 2. Ausgabe, Halle: Gebauer,
1775. pp. 678.
1828 Wahl. Der Koran oder das
Gesettz der Moslemen durch Muhammed den Sohn
Abdallahs. Aufden Grundder vormaligen
Verdeutschung F. E. Boysen’s von neuem aus dem
Arabischem ubersetzt, durchausmit erlauternden Anmerkungen, mit
einerhistorischen Einleitung, auch einem vollstandigen Register versehen
von Dr. Samuel Friedrich Gunther Wahl. Halle: Gebauersche
1840 Ullmann. Der Koran. Aus
dem Arabischen wortgetreu neu ubersett, und mit erlauternden Anmerkungen
versehen, von Dr. L. Ullmann. Crefeld: J. H. Funcke. Reprinted eight
times to 1897, then reissued as Der Koran; das heilige Buch des Islam,
nach der Obertragung neu bearbeitet und erldutert von Leo
Winter. München: W. Goldmann [1959]. This in turn has often
been reprinted.
[1901] Grigull. Der Koran.
Aus dem Arabischen fur die Bibliothek der Gesamt-Litteratur” neu
ubersetzt von Theodor Fr. Grigull. Mit Vorbemerkung und Index nebst dem
Facsimile einer Koranhandschrift. Halle a.d.S. pp. viii, 512.
Another edn Berlin: Otto Hendel Verlag.
1901 Henning. Der Koran. Aus
dem Arabischen übertragen und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Max
Henning. Leipzig: Ph. Reclam Jun. p. 611. Another edition
with introduction and notes by Annemarie Schimmel was published at Stuttgart
by Reclam in 1960 and reprinted in 1962. Another, with introduction by Ernst
Werner and Kurt Rudolph and revision of the text (Textdurchsicht), notes and
index by Kurt Rudolph, was issued in Leipzig by Reclam in 1968. This, like
the Schimmel edition, was included in Reclams Universal-Bibliothek and has
been reprinted in 1974 and 1979.
1916 Goldschmidt. Der Koran.
El Koran, das heisst Die Lesung. Die Offenbarung des Mohammad ibn
Abdallah des Propheten Gottes. Zu Schriftgebracht durch Abdelkaaba
Abdallah Abu-Bakr, übertragen durch Lazarus Goldschmidt, im Jahre der
Flucht 1334 oder 1916 der Fleischwerdung. Also published at
Leipzig 1916 and 1923.
1939 Sadr-ud-Din. Der Koran.
Arabisch-Deutsch. Übersetzung, Einleitung und Erkldrung von Maulana
Sadr-ud-Din. Berlin: Verlag der Moslemischen Revue. Pp. xi,
1022. A second edition was published at Berlin-Wilmerrdorf by “die Moschee,
die Muslim.-Mission”. (Index transl. 28, DEU 471.)
1954 Ahmadiyya version. Der
Heilige Qur-an. Arabisch-deutsch, versehen mit einer ausführlichen
Einführung unter der Leitung von Haqrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud
Ahmad. Zurich & Hamburg: Ahmadiyya-Mission der Islams.
2nd edn 1959.
1957 Aubier. Der Koran. In
neuer Ubersetzung und Darbietung von Henry Mercier. Aus dem
Franzpsischen ubersetzt von Jean Aubier. Miniaturbilder von Si Abdelkrim
Wezzani. Tanger: Eurafrika-Verlag.
1963–1966 Paret. Der Koran.
Übersetzung von Rudi Paret. 2 vols. Stuttgart & c: Kohlhammer. Vol.
3, Kommentär und Konkordanz, published in
(٥-١١) اليونانية
نشر جيراسيموس بنتاك Pentake نسخةً يونانية في
الإسكندرية في دار Alefon Kurmuzē، وصدرت طبعة
ثانية في ١٨٦٦م. ويعرف حميد الله نسخًا أخرى صدرت في ١٨٨٧م، ١٩٢٨م. وصدرت نسخة أخرى
من ترجمة Zografos-Meranios، طبقًا لمَا ورد في
Index transl. 10,
9286، في أثينا سنة ١٩٥٩م.
(٥-١٢) المجرية
1831 Szedmajer. Magyar
forditás: Alkoran, Mohammed, Abdali fi hamis prófestanak izlami
hitvallása. Magyarorsitották és jegyzetekkel ellátták Buziday Szedmajer
Imre és Gedeon Gyorgy táblabirák. The full title, with its
translation, is given by Woolworth in Muslim
World, xvii. Hamidullah knows of a work published in 1854 by
Szokolay, “Religious and political law-book of the
(٥-١٣) الإيطالية
1547 Arrivabene. L’Alcorano
di Macometto, nelqual si contiene la dottrina, la vita, i costumi, e le
leggi sue. Tradotto nuouamente dall’arabo in lingua Italiana. Con gratie
e Privilegii. Ff. 1, 100.
[1912] (New York P. L.) or [1913] (Hamidullah).
Branchi. Maometto. Il
1847 Calza. Il Corano;
versione italiana del Cav. Commend. Vincenzo Calza … Con commenti, ed
una notizia biografica di Maometto. Bastia: Cesare Fabiani.
pp. xiv, 330.
1882 Anon. Il Corano. Nuova
traduzione italiana dall’arabo con note dei migliori commentatori
orientali preceduta dalla Leggenda di Maometto e dal Sommario della
religione turca. Milano: Giovanni Panzeri. (Acc. naz.
Lincei.) Chauvin says it can only be Savary’s version translated into
Italian. The “Sommario” seems to stem from du Ryer.
1912 ______,
Milano: E. Bruciati & c.
1913 ______,
1914 Fracassi. Aquilio
Fracassi … Il Corano. Testo arabo e versione letterale
italiana. Milano: Hoepli. (Manuali Hoepli.) pp. lxx, 337,
1929 Bonelli. Il Corano.
Nuova versione letterale italiana con prefazione e note illustrative del
dott. Luigi Bonelli. Milano: U. Hoepli. (Manuali Hoepli.) pp.
xxxi, 524.
1940 ______,
Secunda edizione riveduta e
migliorata. Pp. xxiv, 614.
1948 ______,
Ristampa anastatica 1948 della seconda edizione
riveduta e migliorata. Milano: U. Hoepli. (Manuali Hoepli.)
pp. lxxix, 779. (B. L. Arab. Cat.) Reprinted also in 1956 and [1972].
(N.U.C. 1973–7.)
[1955] Bausani. Il Corano.
(Introduzione, traduzione e commento di Alessandro Bausani.)
Firenze: Sansoni. (Classici della Religione, II.) Another
edn 1961.
[1967] Moreno. Il Corano. A
cura di Martino Mario Moreno. [Torino:] Unione
Tipografico-Editrice Torinense. pp. viii, 606. (Index transl. 18, 18085.) Reprinted in
n.d. Violanti. Il Corano di
Maometto. Unica versione completa, fedelissima all’ originale di Alfredo
Violante. Roma: Casa Ed. Latina. Published in parts, of which
two only have been seen.
(٥-١٤) اللاتينية
1543 Robertus Ketenensis. Machvmetis Sarracenorum vita ac doctrina omnis, quae &
Ismahelitarum lex, & Alcoranum dicitur, ex Arabica lingua ante CCCC
annos in Latinam translata … Theodori Bibliandri, sacrarum literarum in
Ecclesia Tigurina professoris … pro Alcorani editione Apologia … Cum
Caesareae Maiestatis gratia & privilegio ad septennium.
1550 ______,
Machumetis Saracenorum principis, eiusque
successorum vitae, doctrina, ac ipse Alcoran … quae ante annos CCCC … D.
Petrus Abbas Cluniacensis, per viros eruditos, ad fidei Christianae ac
sanctae matris Ecclesie propugnationem, ex Arabica lingua in hatinam
transferri curauit … opera & studio Theodori Bibliandri … qui
collatis etiam exemplaribus Latinis & Arab. Alcorani textum
emendauit, & marginibus apposuit Annotationes … [Basel.]
Also published in Zurich.
1698 Marracci. Alcorani
textus universus Ex correctoribus Arabum exemplaribus summa fide, atque
pulcherrimis characteribus descriptur. Eademque fide, ac pari diligentia
ex Arabico idiomate in Latinum translatus; Appositis unicuique capiti
notis, atque refutatione: His omnibus praemissus est Prodromus Totum
priorem Tomum implens, in quo contenta indicantur pagina sequenti,
auctore Ludovico Marracio … Patavio, Ex Typographia
1721 ______,
Mohammedis Filii Abdallae pseudo-prophetaefides
islamica, i.e. Al-Coranus ex idiomate Arabico, quo primum a Mohammede
conscriptus est, Latine versus per Ludovicum Marraccium … et ex ejusdem
animadversionibus aliorumque observationibus illustratus et expositus,
praemissa brevi introductione et totius religionis Mohammedicae synopsis
ex ipso Alcorano, ubique suris et surarum versiculis adnotatis,
congesta. Cura et opera M. Christiani Reineccii … Lipsiae,
sumtibus Lanckisianis.
(٥-١٥) النرويجية
لا توجد نسخة كاملة بالنرويجية، لكنْ صدَرَ مجلدٌ به مختارات في ١٩٥٢م:
1952 Al-Qur’an. Koranen i
utvalg. Wilhelm Schencke. Fork, og bearb. Harris Birkeland.
Oslo: Aschehong. pp. xxii, 192. (Index
transl. 5, 9148.)
(٥-١٦) البولندية
1828 Sobolewski. Koran. (Przeklad Sobolewskiego?) Poznán: naklad Bernarda
Potockiego. Pp. 325.
1858 Buczacki. Koran
(Al-Koran) z arabskiego przeklad polski jana Murzy Buczackiegof Tatara z
Podlasia, wzbogacony objasnienami Wlasyslawa Kosciuszki, poprzedzpny
zyciorysem Mahometa z Washington Irvinga, pomnozpny pogladem na stosunki
Polski z Turcja i Tatar’ami, na dzieje Tatarow w Polsce osiadlych, na
przwileje tu im nadane, jako tez wspomnieniami 0 znakomitych Tatarach
polskich Juliana Bartoszemcza … 2 vols. Warszawa: nakladem
Aleksandra Nowoleckiego. pp. x, viii, 402 + 608. Both of these versions are
described in Bull. New York PubI. Libr., xli, 1937, p.
(٥-١٧) البرتغالية
1882 Anon. O Alcorāo.
Traducçāo portuguesa cuidadosamente revista. Paris: Belhatte
& Cie. (Chauvin 232.)
1964 Castro. Muhamad.
Alcorāo; versāo portuguesa de Bento de Castro. Lourenco
Marques [: Carvalho]. A translation of Pickthall’s English
1975 Hayek. Alcorāo
sagrado. Samir al Hayek. Sao Paulo. Index transl. 28, BRA
(٥-١٨) الرومانية
1912 Isopescul. Coranul
traducere dupd originalul arabic insofita de o introducere de Dr.
Silvestru Octavian Isopescul. Cernauti: Editura Autorului.
pp. 538.
(٥-١٩) الروسية
حيث إنَّ تفاصيل ببليوجرافية كاملة لأول ترجمةٍ (١٧١٦م) قام بها
Postnikov وخلفاؤه Veryovkin,
Kolmakov, Nikolaev, Sablukov, Krymskiy، قدِّمت في مقال
“The Koran in Slavonic. A list of translations. Compiled by
the Slavonic Division”. القسم السلافي في
Bull. New York Publ.
Libr., xli, 1937, pp. 95–102؛ يُعتقد أنه ليس
من الضروري أن نذكرها هنا مرةً أخرى. ونشر Institut narodov
Azii ترجمة Krachkovskiy،
موسكو في ١٩٦٣م.
(٥-٢٠) الصِّربية الكرواتية
ظهرتْ أول نسخةٍ صربية كرواتية في ١٨٧٥م من ترجمةِ Mico
Ljubibratic عن نسخةٍ فرنسية. قدمت تفاصيل عن طبعة منقحة صدرت
في ١٨٩٥م في Bull. New York Publ. Libr., xli, 1937, p.
102. نُشرت مختارات من هذه الترجمة، قام Vuk
Karadzic بإعدادها وترتيبها مع تصديرٍ بقلم
Hasan Kalesi، في سلسلة
“Zodijak”. في بلجراد في ١٩٦٧م.
وصدرت نسختان أخريان بشكلٍ متقارب جدًّا. الأُولى من ترجمة Hafiz
Muhammed Pandza
وDzemaluddin CauSevic، في الأصل سنة ١٩٣٦م
وصدرت الطبعة الثانية في ١٩٦٩م والثالثة في ١٩٧٤م (Index transl. 27, YUG 134).
ونُشرت الثانية، وهي من ترجمة HadSi Ali Riza
Karabeg، في موستار في ١٩٣٧م وأُعيدت طباعتها في سراييفو في
(٥-٢١) الإسبانية
يقدِّم M. de Epalza وصفًا قصيرًا للنُّسخ
الإسبانية، بما فيها النُّسخ في aljamiado: “Una nueva traduccion
arabe del Coran”, Almenara, iv, 1973. pp. 239–242.
1844 Gerber de Robles. Al
Koran, ó dogmas civiles, morales; politicas y religiosas de los
musulmanes, precedido de la vida de Mahoma. Traducido exactamente del
originaldrabe por Mr Kasimirski, interprete de la embajadafancesa en
Persia. Version castellana, por D. J[osé] G[erber] de
R[obles]. Madrid: D. Hidalgo. (Chauvin
1872 Ortiz de la Puebla. El
Coran ó Biblia mahometana seguido de la Biografia de Mahoma: primera
version espanola anotaday comentada segun losdistinguidos comentadores
del Coranpor D. Vicente Ortiz de la Puebla. Edicion adornada con laminas
del reputado artista Sr. Puiggari. Barcelona: J. Aleu. pp.
viii, 9-666.
1875 Murguiondo. El Coran.
TraducidofieImenteal espanol, anotadoj refutado segun el dogma, la
doctrina santaj la moral perfecta de la santa religion catolica
apostolica, romana, unica verdadera … por Benigno de Murguiondo y
Ugartondo. Madrid.
1931 Bergua Olavarrieta. El
Coran; traduccion, prologo y notas de J. B. Bergua Olavarrieta. Malaga:
Tip. Zambrana. pp. xix, 519. Ran to nine editions, the 9th
being published by Madrid: Clasicos Bergua. pp. 868.
1931 Anon. El Korān. 2a
edicion. Madrid: Saez Hermanos. pp. xvi, 522. This work was
communicated by the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid. There is no information
on the translator or the date of the first edition.
1951 Cansinos Assens. Mahoma.
El Koran (version literal e Integra). Traduccion, prologo y notas de
Rafael Cansinos Assens. (Coleccion Crisol, num. 310.) Madrid:
Aguilar. pp. 870. Reviewed by D. Cabanelas in Andalus, xvi, 1951, pp. 495–8. A sixth edition, in the
Coleccion Joya, p. 992, was recorded in N.U.C.
1953 Vernet. El Corán;
traducción y prólogo del Dr. Juan Vernet. Barcelona: José
Janés. (El Mensaje.) pp. xli, 442. 2nd edn 1963; 3rd 1974 (Index transl. 27, ESP
1960 Anon. Elsagrado
Corán. Buenos Aires: Ed. Arabigo-argentina “El Nilo”. pp.
494. (Indextransl.)
1965 Cardona Castro. El
Corán. Francisco Cardona Castro. Barcelona: Mateu. (Index transl. 18, 7935.)
[1972] Garcfa-Bravo. Mahoma. El Corán; traduccion de Joaquin Garcia-Bravo. Barcelona: V.
de L. Tasso. pp. xvi, 471. Also published Mexico: Nacional (N.U.C.
1979 Cortes. El Corán.
Edition, traduccionj notas: Julio Cortes. Introduction et indice
analitico: Jacques Jomier.
1980 Machordom Comins. Al
Qu’rān> [sic]. Trad. y com. Alvaro
Machordom Comins. Madrid: Comunidad Musulman de
n.d. Hernandez Cata. El
Corán. Traducido del drabe, ilustrado con notasj precedido de un estudio
de la vide de Mahoma. Extractado … por M. Savary. Version castellana de
A. Herndndez Cata. Paris: Garcier hermanos. pp. ix,
n.d. Anon. El sagrado
Corán. Granada: Centro Estudiantil Musulman. pp. 505.
Reviewed by M. de Epalza in Almenara, iv, 1973, pp.
(٥-٢٢) السويدية
1843 Crusenstolpe. Koran
öfversatt från arabiska originalet, jemte en historisk inledning af
Frederik Crusenstolpe. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt &
soner. pp. v, 158, 786, 26.
1874 Tornberg. Korânen. Ifrån
arabiskan öfversatt af C. J. Tornberg. Lund: Gleerup. pp. xi,
79, 408.
1917 Zettersteen. Koran
översatt från arabiskan av K. V. Zettersteen. Stockholm:
Wahlstrom & Widstrand.
1961 Ohlmarks. Korânen. Åke Ohlmarks. Stockholm: Forum. (Index transl. 14, 23099.