
  • (1)
    Beinin, Joel, The Dispersion of Egyptian Jewry: Culture, Politics and the Formation of a Modern Diaspora, (1998), pp. 25, 27, Library of Congress Cataloguing Data; Wall, Alexandra J., “Outspoken Stanford prof supports 2-state-solution,” Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, Mar. 15, 2002.
  • (2)
    Beinin, Joel, Dispersion of Egyptian Jewry, pp. 25–28; Wall, Alexandra J., “Outspoken Stanford prof supports 2-state-solution,” Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, Mar. 15, 2002; interviews with former Beinin students and associates.
  • (3)
    Kurtz, Stanley, “The More Things Stay the Same,” National Review, July 22, 2002, http://www.nationalreview.com/kurtz/kurtz072202.asp; former associates, interviews.
  • (4)
    Beinin, Joel, Stanford University Department of History Faculty profile, http://history.stanford.edu/faculty/beinin; Beinin, “Egyptian Jewish identities,” http://www.hsje.org/beinin.htm.
  • (5)
  • (6)
    Kaplan, Lee, “Purge at San Francisco State,” FrontPageMagazine.com, Feb. 26, 2004, www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=12354.
  • (7)
    Stanford University professors; Bernstein, Dennis, “Flashpoints Radio,” Jan. 25, 2002, http://www.flashpoints.net/index-2002-01-24to29.html; “Democracy NOW! in exile,” Pacifica news, Nov. 26, 2001; “Palestine/Israel discussed at Petaluma festival,” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Nov. 2001, http://www.wrmea.com/archives/november01/0111063.html.
  • (8)
    Bernstein, Ralph, email invitation to debate in Palo Alto, Sept. 9, 2002; Beinin, Joel, email refusal of invitation, Sept. 9, 2002; interviews with associates and former students.
  • (9)
    Beinin, Joel, interview with Ahmed Mansour, Al Jazeera, Feb. 10, 2003, http://www.aljazeera.net/programs/no_limits/articles/2003/2/2-10-1.htm#L6.
  • (10)
    Beinin, Joel, “Pro-Israel hawks and the Second Gulf War,” Middle East Report Online, Apr. 6, 2003, www.merip.org/mero/mero040603.html.
  • (11)
    Beinin, Joel, “Pro-Israel hawks and the Second Gulf War,” Middle East Report Online, Apr. 6, 2003.
  • (12)
    Beinin, Joel, “Pro-Israel hawks and the Second Gulf War,” Middle East Report Online, Apr. 6, 2003, www.merip.org/mero/mero040603.html; Freedland, Jonathan, “That is a Racist Slur,” The Guardian, May 7, 2003, www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,3604,950536,00.html.
  • (13)
    Beinin, Joel, “Pro-Israel hawks and the Second Gulf War,” Middle East Report Online, Apr. 6, 2003.
  • (14)
    Beinin, Joel, “Why do they Hate Us,” Peninsula Peace and Justice Center speech, Sept. 17, 2001, for Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, Palo Alto; “Middle East Studies After Sept. 11,” MESA 2002 Presidential address, Nov. 23, 2002, http://fp.arizona.edu/mesassoc/Bulletin/Pres%20Addresses/Beinin.htm.
  • (15)
    Beinin, Joel, AllLearn online chat with Joel Beinin, Dec. 3, 2002.
  • (16)
    Abdel Wahed, Joseph, “Exodus today,” National Review, Apr. 17, 2003.
  • (17)
    Beinin, Joel, ibid., online chat with Joel Beinin, Oct. 24, 2002.
  • (18)
    Beinin, Joel, “From Land Day to Peace Day and Beyond,” Intifada: The Palestinian Uprising Against the Israeli Occupation (1989, Beinin, ed with Lochman, Zachary), pp. 205–216.
  • (19)
  • (20)
    Beinin, Joel, “Why do they Hate Us,” Peninsula Peace and Justice Center speech, Sept. 17, 2001, for Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, Palo Alto, http://www.peaceandjustice.org/nowar/1beinin.html; reprinted, Jordan Times, Oct. 23 2001.
  • (21)
  • (22)
    Beinin, Joel, “Another Bloody Passover,” Mar. 27, 2002, AlterNet, http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=12711; and “Suspend military aid to Israel,” Jewish Voice for Peace, Mar. 28, 2002, http://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/about/past_actions/passover_speach.html.
  • (23)
    Beinin, ibid.
  • (24)
    Beinin, Joel, “Origins of the Gulf War,” University of Wisconsin, Nov. 30, 1990, reproduced in Open Pamphlet Series, Feb. 19, 1991.
  • (25)
    Beinin, Joel, The Dispersion of Egyptian Jewry: Culture, Politics and the Formation of a Modern Diaspora, (1998), pp. 25–28, 140–51, 263-4; Wall, Alexandra J., “Outspoken Stanford prof supports 2-state-solution,” Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, Mar. 15, 2002.
  • (26)
    Beinin, Dispersion of Egyptian Jewry, pp. 54–59, 207–248; Alcalay, Ammiel, After Jews and Arabs: Remaking Levantine Culture (1992).
  • (27)
    Goitein, S. D., “Evidence on the Non-Muslim Poll Tax from Non-Muslim Sources,” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 6, 1963, pp. 278-79; Margoliouth, David S., “The Status of the Tolerated Cults: Lecture IV,” The Early Development of Mohammedanism (1914), pp. 99–134; Sarshar, Houman, ed. Esther’s Children: A Portrait of Iranian Jews (2002), pp. 95–136; Interviews with Egyptian Jewish refugees; Author communication with Bat Ye’or.
  • (28)
    Ibid.; Murad al-Qudsi, Just for the Record in the History of the Karaite Jews of Egypt in Modern Times (2002), pp. 202–230.
  • (29)
    Beinin, Joel, Dispersion, pp. 14–19; expression first used in Cohen, Mark, Under Crescent and Cross (1994).
  • (30)
    Beinin, Joel, Dispersion, pp. 14–19.
  • (31)
    Landau, Jacob M., “The Decline of the Jewish Community in Eighteenth-Century Cairo: A New Interpretation in the Light of Two Iberian Chronicles,” in Shamir, Shimon, ed., The Jews of Egypt: A Mediterranean Society in Modern Times (1987), pp. 15–27.
  • (32)
    Al-Qudsi, Murad, Just for the Record in the History of the Karaite Jews of Egypt in Modern Times, Wilprint, 2002, p. 228.
  • (33)
    Beinin, Joel, letter to Murad al-Qudsi, June 11, 1997, Just for the Record (2002), p. 212.
  • (34)
    Beinin, Dispersion of Egyptian Jewry, pp. 18, 37-38.
  • (35)
    Shamir, Shimon, “The Evolution of the Egyptian Nationality Laws and their Application to the Jews in the Monarchy Period,” Shamir, ed., Jews of Egypt, pp. 33–67.
  • (36)
    Beinin, Dispersion, p. 38; Shamir, ibid.
  • (37)
    Beinin, Joel, Dispersion, pp. 2–4, 20–24, 38–44, 72–76, 179–203.
  • (38)
    Beinin, ibid., pp. 90–100; Bat Ye’or, Juifes ibid.; Harkabi, Yehoshafat, Arab Attitudes to Israel (1972), pp. 229–237.
  • (39)
    Beinin, ibid., pp. 103–5; interviews with Egyptian Jewish refugees.
  • (40)
    Bat Ye’or, Les Juifes en Egypte (1971), Annex I and II pp. 66–69, citing Frankfurter Illustrierte Aug 25, 1957, “Patterns of Prejudice” (Institute of Jewish Affairs, London), May-June 1967; separately she cites Yad Vashem; Tatu, Michel, interview with Simon Wiesenthal, Le Monde, Jun. 9, 1967; Amoni, M. S. Le Nationalisme Arabe et les Nazis (1970); “Tableau des nazis devenus conseillers des pays arabes,” Les dossiers du Lien, No. 204, Mar. 2003, after Falligot, Roger and Kauffer, Remi, Le croissant et la croix gammee (Albin Michel, pp. 165–7).
  • (41)
    Harkabi, ibid.
  • (42)
    Beinin, ibid.; Al-Qudsi, Murad, ibid., pp. 202–230; Al-Qudsi letter to Beinin, April 1997, pp. 218-219; Al-Qudsi, ibid., Ovaida, David, President, Karaite Jews of America, pp. 215–219; interviews with Karaite community, Blumenzweig, Jacques, interview June 21, 1999, http://www.hsje.org/NASSER’S%20JEWS%201_2.htm.
  • (43)
    Review of Dispersion, by zz2122 from Ashdod, Israel, Jul. 2, 2003.
  • (44)
    Beinin, ibid. p. 34; Al-Qudsi, ibid.; Ovaida, ibid.; Interviews with Karaite community.
  • (45)
    Al-Qudsi, ibid.; Ovaida, ibid.; interviews with Karaite community.
  • (46)
    Multiple interviews with former Beinin students, Beinin colleagues and Beinin research subjects.
  • (47)
    Hudson, William, The Stanford Review, Feb. 26, 2003.
  • (48)
    Fairbanks, Joe, “Beinin Watch,” Stanford Review, Vol. XXX, No. 3, Mar. 13, 2003, http://www.stanfordreview.org/Archive/Volume_XXX/Issue_3/Beinin_Watch/index.shtml.
  • (49)
  • (50)
    Beinin, Joel, Palestine Zionism and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Introduction and Lectures 1–10, videotape and transcripts, online discussion transcripts Oct. 13-Dec. 18, 2002, AllLearn, Fall 2002.
  • (51)
    Beinin, Joel, AllLearn Session 9, Palestine Zionism and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, fall 2002.
  • (52)
    AllLearn Syllabus; Ha’aretz, Cairo al-Ahram Weekly; “Government shoots Itself in Foot with Printing Ban in Cairo’s Free Zone,” Cairo Times, Apr. 16, 1998, Vol. 2, No. 4.
    Of 29 required readings on his AllLearn syllabus, 19 have a distinctly anti-Israel outlook. AllLearn Syllabus. Interviews with current and former Stanford professors, students and AllLearn students. Required Reading, Books, Cohen, Michael, The Origins and Evolution of the Arab-Zionist Conflict (1987); Khalidi, Rashid, Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness (1997); Laqueur, Walter and Rubin, Barry, eds, The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict (2001, 6th ed.); Smith, Charles, Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (2001, 4th ed.); Chapters and Articles, “Balfour Memorandum of 1919,” From Haven to Conquest, ed., Kalidi, Walid, (Institute for Palestine Studies, 1971), 201–10; “Camp David and After: An Exchange,” New York Review of Books, Jun. 13, 2002, 42–49; “Exchange: Camp David and After—Continued,” New York Review of Books, Jun. 27, 2002, 47–49; “Final Report of the Israeli Commission of Inquiry into the Events at the Refugee Camps in Beirut” and “Arab Reaction to the Kahan Report,” Journal of Palestine Studies, 12 (No. 3, 1983): 89–116, 198–201; Begin, Menachem, The Revolt (1977 out of print), 60–85, 100–102, 214–28; Beinin, Joel, “Palestine and Israel: Perils of a Neoliberal, Repressive Pax Americana,” Social Justice 25 (No. 4, 1998): 20–39; Benvenisti, Meron, Sacred Landscape: The Buried History of the Holy Land since 1948, (2000), 101–110, 114–17, 144–92; Cobban, Helena. The Palestinian Liberation Organization, (1984), 3–18; Elon, Amos, The Israelis: Founders and Sons (1981, out of print), 41–56, 106–86; Finkelstein, Norman G., Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict (1995), 123–49; Friedman, Robert I. Zealots for Zion: Inside Israel’s West Bank Settlement Movement (1992), 3–42, maps preceding cont.; HaCohen, David, “Excerpt from a speech to the secretariat of the Mapai,” Haaretz, Nov. 15, 1969; Halper, Jeff, “The 94 Percent Solution: A Matrix of Control,” Middle East Report 216 (Fall 2000):14–19; Lockman, Zachary, Comrades and Enemies, (1996) 21–57; Malley, Robert, and Hussein Agha, “Camp David: The Tragedy of Errors,” New York Review of Books, Aug. 9, 2001, 59–65; Masalha, Nur, “A Critique of Benny Morris,” Journal of Palestine Studies 21 (No. 1, Autumn 1991), 90–97; Morris, Benny, “Revisiting the Palestinian Exodus of 1948,” War for Palestine: Rewriting the History of 1948 (2001, ed. Rogan, Eugene and Shlaim, Avi), 37–59; Rishmawi, Elias, “On the Beit Sahour Tax Revolt,” Homeland: Oral Histories of Palestine and Palestinians (1994, ed. Lynd, Staughton, Bahour, Sam and Lynd, Alice), 271–81; Shapira, Anita, “Politics and Collective Memory: The Debate over the ‘New Historians’ in Israel,” History & Memory 7 (No. 1 Spring/Summer 1995): 9–34; Shlaim, Avi, “The Oslo Agreement,” Journal of Palestine Studies 23, No. 3 (Spring 1994): 24–40; Stork, Joe, “U.S. Policy and the Palestinian Question,” The United States and the Middle East: A Search for New Perspectives (1992, ed., Amirahmadi, Hooshang), 125–48; Swedenburg, Ted, “The Role of the Palestinian Peasantry in the Great Revolt (1936–1939),” Islam, Politics, and Social Movements (1998, ed. Burke III, Edmund and Lapidis, Ira), 168–203; Usher, Graham, “What kind of Nation? The Rise of Hamas in the Occupied Territories,” Political Islam: Essays from Middle East Report, (1997, ed. Beinin, Joel and Stork), 339–54.
  • (53)
    “Anti-Semitism in the Egyptian Media, parts I, II and III,” Memri.org, Mar. 16, 17 and 20, 2000.
  • (54)
    “PA ‘Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine, discusses the Intifada,” citing Oct. 28, 2000 Al Ahram, memri.org, Nov. 9, 2000; Howeidy, Amira, “Crossing to martyrdom,” Al-Ahram, Apr. 25–May 1, 2002; “Wafa Idris: celebration of first Palestinian female suicide bomber, Part II,” citing Feb. 2, 2002 Al Ahram, memri.org, Feb. 13, 2002; “Egyptian government daily praises the martyrdom attack on Jerusalem café: ‘a heroic operation’,” Memri.org, Mar. 15, 2002; “The Arab leadership and media on Powell’s Middle East Trip,” citing Al-Ahram, Apr. 16, 2002, Memri.org, Apr. 26, 2002; Cook, Jonathan, “The ‘engineer’,” Al-Ahram Weekly, Apr. 18–24, 2002; Naffa, Hassan, “Knights and dragons,” Al-Ahram, Aug. 23–Sept. 3, 2003.
  • (55)
    “Leading Egyptian Newspaper raises Blood Libel,” Memri.org, Nov. 6, 2000; “Egypt’s Response to accusations of Arab Media anti-Semitism,” Memri.org, Jan. 3, 2003; “French Legal Authorities Investigating Editor of Major Egyptian Daily,” Memri.org, Sept. 6, 2002; Wistrich, Robert, “Muslim Anti-Semitism: A Clear and Present Danger,” American Jewish Committee, http://www.ajc.org/InTheMedia/PublicationsPrint.asp?did=503; Cooper, Abraham and Brackman, Harold, “The Fight Against Holocaust Denial,” Midstream, Apr. 2001, http://midstream.port5.com/0401/feature.html; Klinghoffer, Judith Apter, “Blood Libel,” History News Network, Apr. 8, 2002, http://hnn.us/articles/printfriendly/664.html; “Anti-Semitism in the Official Egyptian Press,” Spring 1998-1999, Jewish Virtual Library, http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Peace/egpress99.html.
  • (56)
    Leffell, Jonathan, letter to Kristen Kim, AllLearn, Mar. 19, 2003.
  • (57)
    Kaplan, Lee, “Solidarity with Terror,” FrontPageMagazine.com, Jul. 2, 2004; http://www.frontpagemag.com/articles/printable.asp?ID=14064.
  • (58)
    Beinin, Joel, “The Good War,” The Nation, May 14, 2004, www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?I=20040531&s=beinin.
  • (59)
    http://www.justicewheels.org/mission.html; Alcalay, Ammiel, After Jews and Arabs: Remaking Levantine Culture (1992); Kushner Tony, et al., Wrestling with Zion: Progressive Jewish-American Responses to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (2003); Alcalay, Ammiel, “Stop-time in the Levant,” The Nation, Dec. 1999; Beinin, Joel, “The Good War,” The Nation, May 14, 2004, http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?I=20040531&s=beinin.
  • (60)
    Kushner Tony, et al., Wrestling with Zion: Progressive Jewish-American Responses to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (2003); Alcalay, Ammiel, “Stop-time in the Levant,” The Nation, Dec. 1999; Beinin, Joel, “The Good War,” The Nation, May 14, 2004, http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?I=20040531&s=beinin.
  • (61)
  • (62)
  • (63)
    Interview with Lee Kaplan, Mar. 12, 2004; Indiana State University, www.indstate.edu/polisci/faculty/perry.htm; http://fp.arizona.edu/mesassoc/Directory/Texas.htm.
  • (64)
    Interviews with Bay area parents; High school Middle East study unit.
  • (65)
    Kaplan, Lee, “Textbooks for Jihad,” FrontPageMagazine.com, Mar. 19, 2004; Wall, Alexandra, “Complaint of bias against Israel prompts high school text rewrite,” Jewish News Weekly of Northern California, Feb. 13, 2004; http://schoolpropaganda.us/TCI_Errors.htm.
  • (66)
    Beinin, Joel, “Origins of the Gulf War,” University of Wisconsin, Nov. 30, 1990, reproduced in Open Pamphlet Series, Feb. 19, 1991.
  • (67)
    Kedourie, Elie, “Iraq: The Mystery of American Policy,” Commentary, Vol. 91, No. 6, June 1991.
  • (68)
    Beinin, Joel, “Letter Against Expulsion of the Palestinians,” Dec. 2002, http://www.electronicintifada.net/v2/article989.shtml, (originally at http://www.professorsofconscience.org/); see also Blecher, Robert, “Living on the Edge: The Threat of ‘Transfer’ in Israel and Palestine,” Middle East Report, Winter, 2002, http://www.merip.org/mer/mer225/225_blecher.html.
  • (69)
    Beinin, Joel, quoted in “Middle East Expert Discusses Issues in US/Israeli Relations,” Megan Groth, The Student Life, Nov. 28, 2002.
  • (70)
    Beinin, ibid. Kramer, Martin, “Profs condemn Israel in Advance,” and “The Expulsion that Never Was,” Sandstorm, Dec. 20, 2002 and Apr. 25, 2003, www.MartinKramer.org.
  • (71)
    Beinin, Joel, Session 9, Palestine Zionism and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, AllLearn, Fall, 2002.
  • (72)
    Spiegel, Stephen L., “U.S. Relations with Israel: The Military Benefits,” Sandstorm (1993), pp. 309–344; Organski, A. F. K. The $36 billion Bargain (1991).
  • (73)
    Congressional Research Service, U.S. Foreign Assistance: Israel, IB85066.
  • (74)
    Beinin, Joel, email to Jonathan Leffell, Jan. 14, 2003.
    Alyssa A. Lappen is a former Senior Fellow of the American Center for Democracy, former Senior Editor of Institutional Investor, Working Woman and Corporate Finance, and former Associate Editor of Forbes. Her website is www.AlyssaaLappen.org. http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=16374.

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