قائمة الاختصارات

  • AA: Animals Archaeology.
  • AAAS: Animals Archéologiquies Arabes de Syrie.
  • AASOR: Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research.
  • AE: Ancient Egypt.
  • AJA: American Journal of Archaeology.
  • AM: Archaeology Magazine.
  • AN: Albright News.
  • AP: Acta Palaeobotanic.
  • ARWS: Archiv für Religions Wissen Shaft.
  • ASAE: Annales du service des Antiquities de L’Egypt.
  • BA: Biblical Archaeologist.
  • BASOR: Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research.
  • BFA: Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts.
  • CAH: Cambridge Ancient History.
  • CDE: Chronique d’Egypt.
  • CPE: Compined Prehistoric Expedition.
  • DE: Discussions in Egyptology.
  • EA: Egyptian Archaeology.
  • EB: Early Bronze Age.
  • ENC., of Rel.,: Encyclopedia of Religion.
  • GM: Göttinger Miszellen.
  • JAA: Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.
  • JAC: Journal of Ancient Civilizations.
  • JAOS: Journal of the American Oriental Society.
  • JCS: Journal of Cuneiform Studies.
  • JEA: Journal of Egyptian Archaeology.
  • JIPS: Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society.
  • JNES: Journal of Near Eastern Studies.
  • JPR: Journal of Prehistoric Religion.
  • JRAIGB: Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain.
  • JSOR: Journal of the Society of Oriental Research.
  • JSSEA: The Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian of Antiquities.
  • : Lexikon der Äguyptologie.
  • LAAA: Liverpool Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology.
  • LUE: Lexikon Universal Encyclopedia.
  • MDAIK: Mitteilung en des Deutschen Archaeologischen Institute Abteilung Kairo.
  • NN: Nekhen News.
  • PPNA: Pre-Pottery Neolithic A.
  • PPNB: Pre-Pottery Neolithic B.
  • RDE: Revue De Egyptologie.
  • RSO: Rivista degli Studi Oriental.
  • WA: World Archaeology.
  • ZÄS: Zeitschrift Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde.
  • ZSTZZB: Zeitschrift für tier Züchtung und Züchtung’s Biologie.

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