قراءات إضافية

(١) نصوص تمهيدية

  • Alan D. Baddeley, Essentials of Human Memory (Psychology Press, 1999). A fully referenced yet accessible overview of memory for the general reader, written by an international expert in the field. Each chapter contains suggestions for Further reading.
  • Tony Buzan, Use Your Memory (BBC Consumer Publishing, 2003). Provides an overview of mnemonic techniques from one of the most popular writers in the field who has published a range of other related texts.
  • Michael W. Eysenck and Mark T. Keane, Cognitive Psychology: A Student’s Handbook (Psychology Press, 2005). Provides an overview of the core psychological processes which interface with, and impact upon, memory capacity—and which are themselves influenced by the operating characteristics of human memory (including attention, language, decision-making, and reasoning).
  • Daniel L. Schacter, The Seven Sins of Memory (Houghton Mifflin, 2001). Discusses the pros and cons of human memory in a lucid, informative, and entertaining manner.

(٢) نصوص متقدمة

  • Gérard Emilien, Cécile Durlach, Elena Antoniadis, Martial Van der Linden, and Jean-Marie Maloteaux, Memory: Neuropsychological, Imaging and Psychopharmacological Perspectives (Psychology Press, 2003). Considers the biological processes that mediate and impact upon memory function, including the effects of brain injury and drugs, together with insights gained from neuro-imaging studies.
  • Jonathan K. Foster and Marko Jelicic, Memory: Systems, Process or Function? (Oxford University Press, 1999). Considers the central debate of how human memory should be conceptualized in theoretical and practical terms.
  • Endel Tulving and Fergus I. M. Craik (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Memory (Oxford University Press, 2000). A magnum opus reviewing the field of memory research, with individual chapters written by the world’s leading memory scientists.

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