
أولًا: المصطلحات الأجنبية في الفصل الأول

  • abstract commodity
  • actant
  • action painting
  • affect (n.)
  • alienation, alien, alienate, alienist, aliéné alienato.
  • analepsis, analeptic
  • antinarratable
  • appellative, operative
  • architext
  • attached text
  • auditory percept
  • auditory restoration, continuity effect
  • auditory streaming/auditory scene analysis or perceptual auditory grouping
  • auscultator, auscultize, auscultation
  • authorial audience
  • autodiegetic narration
  • avant-garde
  • catachusis
  • catallaxy
  • cathexis, cathect, besetzung, investissment
  • chronotope
  • colonial discourse
  • commodity fetishism
  • commonwealth Literature
  • condensation
  • constative
  • contingent, contingency
  • contrarianism
  • coreference
  • countermajoritarian
  • countermemory
  • critical theory
  • culture industry
  • degender, degendered, degenderise, degenderisation
  • degendered identities
  • deixis
  • deliberative democracy
  • detached text
  • determinism
  • dialogism
  • diegesis
  • discourse
  • discourse, discursive
  • discursive exterior
  • discoursive-nondiscursive relation
  • disnarration
  • displacement
  • doxa
  • duration
  • durativity
  • earwitness
  • eidetic image
  • eidetics
  • ekphonesis
  • ekphrasis
  • equalities, inequalities
  • equivalental-egalitarian logic
  • equivalental displacement
  • equivocal text
  • erogenous zones
  • essentialism
  • exchange-value
  • existential mechanism
  • extension
  • extra-budgetary
  • extradiegetic
  • extradiscursive
  • extra-institutional
  • extranarrative
  • extrascientific
  • extra-terrestial (T.E.)
  • fabula
  • falsifiability
  • fetish, fetishise, fetishisation, fetishism
  • fictive, fictional, fictitious
  • focalization
  • fordism
  • foundationalism
  • free association
  • free indirect discourse
  • functional mechanism
  • genealogy
  • generic mechanism
  • genetic mechanism
  • hauntology
  • haunto-political
  • heterodiegetic
  • hetgerodiegetic narration
  • heterodox, heterodoxies
  • heteronormativity
  • heteronormivity
  • heterotopia
  • historical present
  • homodiegetic
  • homodiegetic narration, character narration
  • hydraulics
  • hypertext
  • hysteria
  • identity politics
  • illocutionary act
  • immanent
  • immediacy of action
  • implied author
  • inchoativity, durativity, terminativity
  • indicative mood
  • informant
  • integration mechanism
  • intensity, intensities
  • interactive fiction
  • interactivity
  • intertext
  • intradiegetic
  • isotopes
  • keynote figure
  • kitsch
  • libidinal economy
  • libido
  • lexias
  • locutionary act
  • macrocontextualisation
  • macro-economics
  • majoritarianism
  • mediation
  • medium
  • metacriticism, metacritical
  • metahistory, metahistorical
  • metalanguage
  • metalepsis
  • metanarrative
  • metatext
  • metatheatre,
  • metatheory
  • meta-utilitarian
  • microeconomics
  • microfascisms
  • microfinance
  • micropolitical
  • microsocial
  • mimetic/mimesis
  • minoritarianism
  • mise en abyme
  • motivation
  • multinational
  • name-of-the-father
  • narrate
  • narrative audience
  • narrativity
  • narreme
  • neonarrative
  • neurosis
  • object relations theory
  • oedipus complex
  • onto-political
  • onto-theological
  • orthodox, orthodoxies
  • overcoding
  • over-determination
  • palimpsest
  • paralepsis
  • paralipsis
  • paranarratable
  • paratext
  • parody
  • passant
  • pastiche
  • path
  • performance
  • performative
  • performative present
  • perlocutionary act
  • perspectivism
  • phallogocentrism, phallocentrism, logocentrism
  • pixels
  • poured paintings
  • positivism, logical positivism positive philosophy
  • postcolonial theory
  • postcolonialism
  • postfordism
  • post-gendered world
  • poured paintings
  • praxis
  • primitive fetishism
  • prolepsis, proleptic
  • proprietoriality
  • prosopography
  • prosopon
  • prosopopoeia
  • psychic essentialism
  • psychoanalysis
  • psycho-ontological
  • psychosis
  • reading-hypostesis
  • reductionism
  • reductive, reductivity
  • reference
  • reification, thingification
  • repression, repressions
  • second-degree text
  • self-consciousness
  • self-criticism
  • self-occultation
  • signifiers, signifieds, significations
  • simultaneous narration
  • sjuzbet
  • sound signal
  • soundmark
  • soundscape
  • speech act
  • story
  • subaltern
  • subject, Cartesian subject, subjectivity, subjectivities, intersubjective, intersubjectivity
  • subvert, subversion
  • super enlightenment
  • supranarratable
  • supranationalism
  • suture
  • Taylorism
  • teleo-eschatological
  • terminability
  • terminactivity
  • theatricality
  • The Differend
  • theory, Theory
  • Third World Literature
  • transavantgardism
  • transcendentalism
  • translationese
  • transnational
  • transposition
  • undecidable
  • unnarration
  • unreliable narration
  • use-value
  • voice

ثانيًا: أسماء الأعلام الأجنبية في الفصل الأول

  • Abrams, M.
  • Adelman, Janet
  • Adorno, Theodor W.
  • Althusser, Louis
  • Austin, C. L.
  • Bakhtin
  • Barthes, Roland
  • Baudrillard, Jean
  • Beauvoir, Simone de
  • Bernard, Claude
  • Bhabha, Homi
  • Binet, Alfred
  • Comte, Auguste
  • De Man, Paul
  • Derrida, Jacques
  • Feuerbach, Ludwig
  • Foucault, Michel
  • Frye, Northrop
  • Gennette, Gerard
  • Greimas
  • Habermas, Jurgen
  • Hegel, Friedrich
  • Heidegger, Martin
  • Horkheimer, Max
  • Husserl, Edmund
  • Jakobson, Roman
  • Joyce, James
  • Lacan, Jacques
  • Levi-Strauss, Claude
  • Littré, Emile
  • Lukacs, Gyorgy
  • Lyotard, Jean-Francois
  • Maus, F. E.
  • Pirandello, Luigi
  • Philan, James
  • Popper, Karl
  • Rabinovitz, Peter
  • Shakespeare, William
  • Spinoza, Baruch
  • Spivak, Gayatri
  • Wilder, Thornton
  • Wittgenstein, Ludwing

ثالثًا: أسماء الكتب المشار إليها في الفصل الأول

  • Ashcroft et al., The Post-Colonial Studies Reader, 1995.
  • Ayer, A. I. A., Language, Truth and Logic, 1936.
  • Dews, P. ed., Autonomy and Solidarity: Interviews with Jurgen Habermas, 1992.
  • Eagleton, Terry, Literary Theory: An Introduction, 1983.
  • Frye, Northrop, Fables of Identity: Studies in Poetic Mythology, 1963.
  • Gilbert-Moore, Bart, Post-Colonial Theory: Contexts, Practices, Politics, 1997.
  • Hegel, F., The Phenomenology of Mind, tr. J. B. Baillie, 1967.
  • Jakobson, Roman, Verbal Art, Verbal Sign, Verbal Time, ed. Krystyne Pomorska and Stephen Rudy, 1987.
  • Jameson, Frederic, Ideologies of Theory: Essays 1971–1986 I, Situations of Theory, 1988.
  • Jameson, Frederic, Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, 1991.
  • Kamps, Ivo, ed., Materialist Shakespeare , 1995.
  • Loomba, Ania, Colonialism/Postcolonialism, 1998.
  • Lukacs, G. History and Class-Consciousness, 1923, tr. Rodney Livingstone, 1971.
  • Lyotard, Jean-François, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, 1999, tr. Geoffrey Bennington and Brian Massumi, Manchester University Press, 1984.
  • Macey, David, Dictionary of Critical Theory, Penguin, 2000.
  • Sadat, A., In Search of Identity, 1980.
  • Said, Edward, Orientalism, 1978.
  • Sartre, Jean-Paul, Being and Nothingness, 1943 tr. Hazel Barnes, 1957.
  • Spinoza, B., The Ethics and De Intellectus Emendatione, (1677) tr. George Santayana, 1910, reprinted 1965.
  • White, Hayden, Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe, 1973.
  • White, Hayden, Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism, 1978.
  • Wolen, Richard, The Terms of Cultural Criticism: The Frankfurt School, Existentialism, Postmoderniam, 1992.

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